Trane, doesn’t just build amazing products, they own the patents on the products they build. They also do serious testing on those products and push them past all extremes. The thought being if they can torture the products past the limits and make them better than everything else on the market they will be good enough for your home or business.
Every single product that Trane manufactures is designed obsessively down to the last details. Many of Tranes competitors build their products using the same widely available parts. Trane doesn’t do that, they build, design, test, rebuild, and re-test parts until they are perfect. That level of detail and commitment is what sets them apart from others in the HVAC manufacturing industry. Every industry has standards and they are aware of what those standards are, but just getting a part or a product to the standard isn’t something Trane is interested in. Setting the standard is what Trane is interested in.
In Tyler, Texas at the Trane SEET lab (Systems Extreme Environmental Test), Trane manufactured products are put through a grueling set of tests including massive temperature extremes. Some Trane units are put through over 2,600 hours of uninterrupted testing, this includes a week of salt spray on the units in order to monitor the units resistance to corrosion. The Trane technicians put their cooling and heating systems through the equivalent of five years worth of conditions in the matter of only a few months. They don’t just build parts and machines and HVAC units they stand behind them through the most thorough testing in the industry.
We’re Pure Air Conditioning of Naples, FL. A Trane Comfort Specialist.